Rhododendron Planted Next to House

How Close to House to Plant Shrubs

The short answer.  As far as possible.

Plants are constantly growing taller and spreading wider.

When planting small to medium shrubs my goal is 1-2 feet of air between the edge of a shrub and the home.  Not just when I plant.  For the life of the landscape.

You can prune the back of a shrub, where no one sees, as often as needed to keep the gap.

If there isn’t a gap you’re in trouble.

Shrub too Close to House
I saw this Rhododendron slammed against the house this Spring.  It motivated me to write this post.
Shrub planted too close to house
This Rhododendron is an extreme example of planting too close.

Medium shrubs like Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Spirea, Holly and Boxwood go  2.5-3′ from the side of the house.

I can easily walk behind the shrubs after planting.

Rhododendron Planted Next to House
This rhododendron has a 2′ gap between the foliage and the side of the house.

Large shrubs and small trees like Viburnum, Dogwood and Stewartia go a minimum of 6′ from the edge of the house and preferably 8′.

Viburnum Planted Next to House
This Viburnum is 8′ from the house. Imagine the pruning nightmare if it was 3-4′ away.

When in doubt plant farther from the house.  You’ll never regret it.





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5 responses to “How Close to House to Plant Shrubs”

  1. Lillian Schaeffer Avatar

    This is some great information, and I appreciate your suggestion to leave a one to two foot gap between shrubs and the house. I’ve been wanting to make some changes in my garden, and one of the things I want is to plant some shrubs throughout my flower garden. I’ll be sure to leave a gap between them and the house so nothing looks crowded and I have easy access to all sides. Thanks for the great post!

    1. John Holden Avatar

      One truth we can’t avoid is plants are going to grow. The more landscapes I plant the farther I space my plants from the house and each other.

  2. Judy Wilson Avatar

    I would like to plant a few bushes around my house, but I’m not quite sure how close they should be planted. Planting medium sized bushes about 2.5′-3′ from the side of my house seems like a good idea. I would like to be able to easily walk behind them after they’re planted, so I’ll keep that in mind so that they won’t be squished against the side of my house.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      You can never go wrong planting farther from the house.

  3. James Bergman Avatar

    It is amazing how many people plant their shrubs right up against their house. I am with you, it is a bad idea. Having the space between the house and the shrubs helps keep the bugs back from my house and makes taking care of the shrubs much easier. It also makes cleaning my windows easier. All in all, it is a good thing to have space around the house.