Monroe CT Landscape Designer

Tricks of a Monroe CT Landscaper

As a Monroe CT landscaper this landscape was a challenge to design.  The stately colonial perched on top of a hill and doesn’t look like part of the landscape.

My goal was to make the home look like it fit in.

Tricks of a Monroe CT Landscaper

I made the home look like it fit in the landscape using a few tricks.

  1. I planted larger trees and shrubs at the back of the landscape to ‘ground’ the house.  By planting a larger trees and shrubs you ground the house making it more to scale with the surrounding landscape.
  2. I installed a retaining wall to raise the grade.  The climb from the drive to the front steps was very steep and difficult to climb.  My goal was to make the journey pleasant.  I didn’t want a landscape with random steps that became an obstacle course or ankle twister.
  3. I brought in truckloads of fill and topsoil to create a level area in front of the house.  The goal was to soften the grade so the home didn’t look like it could slide down the hill.

The home went from looking out-of-place to a stately home gently placed on top of a hill.  It’s all in a days work for a Monroe CT landscaper.