newtown ct landscape designer

Creating a Landscape Design Base Plan

newtown ct landscape designerToday I got to work drafting the base plan for a Newtown, Connecticut, Landscape Design.

First, I calculate the scale to use so my landscape design will fit on the paper.  Most landscape designs are larger in area then they seem when measuring the site.

Now I make a draft of the base plan based on the measurements I took during the site analysis. Unwanted site elements are left out.  The focus is on moving forward when designing.

Once I complete the base plan I overlay it with a piece of drafting paper and trace the base plan through the drafting paper to align the design.

Finally I trace the base plan with black marker of differing weights. The heavier the line the heavier or larger the object. The foundation gets the heaviest line followed by the sidewalk, driveway and stone walls on the site.

I print a label for the plan and place it on the corner.  It is now time to begin drafting a landscape design for my Newtown CT clients.

By John Holden



