Month: February 2013

  • How I Got My Groove – The Stages of a Landscape Design Career

    How I Got My Groove – The Stages of a Landscape Design Career

    Unlike now, when I graduated UCONN I didn’t have real-world landscape design experience. I designed landscapes by the book and my designs incorporated the latest cool plants at the nursery.  If the book said a plant grows in the shade to 10 feet tall I put it in the shade where it could grow to…

  • You Can Talk About it or You Can Keep It To Yourself

    You Can Talk About it or You Can Keep It To Yourself

    I went to a meeting last night for parents of Sandy Hook School children. The leader of the discussion had a great insight on poor behavior.  When he was a child he would start arguments when something bothered him. When he did, his mom very calmly said, “You can talk about it or you can keep it to yourself. …

  • Selectively Pruning Evergreen Shrubs – Part 2

    Selectively Pruning Evergreen Shrubs – Part 2

      In the first part of this series I showed you how to selectively prune evergreen shrubs.  Now I’d like to show you one of the greatest benefits of this pruning method. By selectively pruning your evergreen shrubs you can control their height indefinitely.  Every time you prune you are cutting into the shrub, so…

  • Selectively Pruning Evergreen Shrubs – Part 1

    Selectively Pruning Evergreen Shrubs – Part 1

    Why do people get out their hedge shears once a year, usually during the heat of June or July, and prune their evergreen shrubs like a new recruit in the army?  Yes Virginia, there is a better way! If you want healthy, attractive and easy to care for evergreen shrubs try selective pruning. Benefits of Selectively Pruning Evergreen…

  • Tricks of a Monroe CT Landscaper

    Tricks of a Monroe CT Landscaper

    As a Monroe CT landscaper this landscape was a challenge to design.  The stately colonial perched on top of a hill and doesn’t look like part of the landscape. My goal was to make the home look like it fit in. Tricks of a Monroe CT Landscaper I made the home look like it fit in…