Category: Annuals

  • Tree Petunia Flowers?

    Tree Petunia Flowers?

    The other day, I spotted a beautiful pink flower two feet off the ground and felt a rush of adrenalin, thinking I discovered tree petunia flowers. Upon closer inspection, I realized my self-sewn petunias had grown into a Cornell Pink Rhododendron. I still think it’s cool! You’ll see Hartlage Wine Calycanthus foliage to the right…

  • PeeGee Hydrangea Full Bloom

    PeeGee Hydrangea Full Bloom

    PeeGee hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’) gives instant elegance to any landscape. PeeGee Hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ The white, reliable blooms of PeeGee Hydrangea slowly become pink as fall progresses. Other features of PeeGee Hydrangeas include a course habit and yellowing leaves as the temperature grows colder. Prune PeeGee hydrangeas whenever you see fit, for…

  • Patriotic Lambsquarters

    Patriotic Lambsquarters

    Last week, I woke early and headed out to hone my photography skills. While I would like to put all of my award-winning photos in one post, I realized a picture truly is worth a thousand words and decided to break up the posts. Click on a photo to open a larger version. Patriotic Lambsquarters…

  • Cocktail Vodka Wax Begonia

    Cocktail Vodka Wax Begonia

    Last year, when I walked Lafayette Square in Washington D.C., the wax begonias were thriving in the summer heat. The memory motivated me to plant Cocktail Vodka Wax Begonia this year. Wax begonias are easy to grow and provide interest from the moment they’re planted until first frost. Cocktail Vodka Wax Begonia Here are my…

  • Will Petunias Self-Seed?

    Will Petunias Self-Seed?

    If soil and light conditions are right, Petunias self-seed readily. The secret is to avoid accidentally weeding tiny petunia seedlings in late spring. Self-seeded petunias germinate around Memorial Day here in USDA Hardiness Zone 6. Right when spring rains start to dry out and the air temperature is on the rise. Petunia seedlings outgrow weeds…

  • Pansies Yellow and Purple

    Pansies Yellow and Purple

    Yesterday I spotted pansies in front of the supermarket begging for a home. They pulled on my heartstrings until I brought two flats home. The truth is, my wife wrote pansies on the grocery list. She didn’t have to. By early April, I’ll take any blooms I can to add color to the landscape. There…

  • Impatiens Glowing in the Landscape

    Impatiens Glowing in the Landscape

    While some consider impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) old-fashioned; I consider them reliable, easy to grow and gorgeous. Impatiens thrive in shady spots. If you have a shady patio or deck pots of impatiens will brighten the space immediately. Once impatiens start blooming they don’t stop until frost. I planted impatiens in pots around an outdoor outlet for…

  • Elephant Ear Flowers

    Elephant Ear Flowers

    A couple of weeks ago I spotted a flower on one of my elephant ears, presently there are two flowers on all three of my elephant ears. I’ve been growing these elephant ears for two years. They started as strangly plants I picked up on clearance at the grocery store and turned into green monsters.…

  • Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    A couple of months ago I planted a few Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) on a whim. For this reason, within hours, possibly minutes, butterflies started gathering on the plants. Consequently, this morning, as I topped off the bird baths I found two Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars. Here’s the secret to attracting butterflies. Choose plants butterflies like…