Category: Garden Creatures

  • Feeding the Birds

    Feeding the Birds

    We had light snow today which left the backyard with some interesting patterns. In an effort to uncover tasty birdseed the birds left some interesting patterns in the back yard. Needless to say, I spread the seed around the backyard so everyone who visits has a chance to eat! This picture says it all!

  • Garden Toad

    Garden Toad

    Spotted a toad in the rain yesterday. It looks quite content. 🙂

  • Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    Attract Monarch Butterflies and Caterpillars

    A couple of months ago I planted a few Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) on a whim. For this reason, within hours, possibly minutes, butterflies started gathering on the plants. Consequently, this morning, as I topped off the bird baths I found two Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars. Here’s the secret to attracting butterflies. Choose plants butterflies like…

  • Bird’s Nest and Winter Burn in Cryptomeria

    Bird’s Nest and Winter Burn in Cryptomeria

    This spring as I was raking leaves a bird quickly, yet conspicuously, flew away from where I was working. It was a little bird with four eggs in her nest. If you’re walking and a bird conspicuously flies away and chirps you’re too close to her nest. Indeed, the bird is trying to trick you…

  • Bird Baths and Husbands

    Bird Baths and Husbands

    Yesterday, I started the search for a bird bath for the back yard. I was hoping to find something simple, a flat stone with a bowl carved into it. Indeed I’ve admired a few like that over the years. I headed off to Swenson Granite. I spotted what I was looking for. Unfortunately, there was…

  • Rabbit in the Garden

    Rabbit in the Garden

    The last couple of nights this rabbit has been sitting on the edge of the woods eating carrots. It’s encouraging to see rabbits in the garden.

  • Kitchen Compost Bin: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Landscapers

    Kitchen Compost Bin: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Landscapers

    The past few years I’ve been walking green kitchen scraps to the compost pile in the hopes of improving my soil and saving the environment. Unfortunately, the compost pile is about 80 feet from the kitchen. It takes time and I don’t enjoy making the trip in the rain, snow, and cold. I don’t like…

  • Clamped Goldfish Cure | Zoomer is Swimming Again!

    Clamped Goldfish Cure | Zoomer is Swimming Again!

    This blog isn’t about fish but I need to share this story for anyone with a clamped goldfish. Clamping is when a fish stays at the bottom of the tank and doesn’t move much. The fish may also be ‘breathing’ more quickly than usual. About three weeks ago, Zoomer, the fish on the left, clamped.…

  • First Toad of Season 2019

    First Toad of Season 2019

    Yesterday while working in the yard I almost stepped on this little fellah or little girl. This is officially the first toad I’ve seen this year. The local toad population must be loving all the rain.