Tag: Paugussett State Forest Newtown CT

  • Look Out Any Window

    Look Out Any Window

    I woke today before 6 am and walked around the yard. The alarm didn’t wake me, the sun told me it was time to greet the day. I saw a hummingbird gathering itself on the arbor, as it does every morning at sunrise. The hummingbird wraps its feet around the wire on the top right-hand…

  • Ponds, Streams and Rivers of Connecticut

    Ponds, Streams and Rivers of Connecticut

    I enjoy being around ponds, streams and rivers in Connecticut. I find them very calming. Below are some photos I’ve taken through the years. I hope you enjoy them. Bartlett Arboretum Stream Stamford CT I took this photo a couple of weeks ago. Since this is a blog about landscaping I’ll point out that the…