First Shade Day May 6 2021

First Shade Day 2021

This year First Shade Day landed on May 6, 2021. If you are confused as to what First Shade Day is please read my first post on First Shade Day. I almost pulled the trigger on First Shade Day a week ago but the shade wasn’t quite deep enough.

It’s been a very odd year so far.

We started with a warm spell in early April that had me, and the plants, convinced it was going to be an early spring. For the most part, it has been, we escaped the typical heavy frost or snowstorm in early April.

The weather over the last few weeks has turned cooler and windier though I suppose that is typical for a New England spring. Expect the unexpected.

My nose has been telling me that the pollen this year is off the charts. My home is surrounded by Sugar Maple trees which have been dropping pollen like crazy. We had showers today and you can see the pollen gathering on the edge of the puddles.

I hope you’ve been having a wonderful Spring!






2 responses to “First Shade Day 2021”

  1. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    Hi, John, I am so far behind on responding to emails, me and my computer are in a very bad spot right now. I have had to change my email address because my present carrier is discontinuing email service so I have to move all email related stuff to my new address. This is an absolute nightmare this time of the year, plus I have to give everybody or every entity I want to stay in touch with my new address. So I haven’t even turned on my computer for weeks. This has been the most unusual spring I can remember in the 20 years I have been maintaining yards. The last 34 degree day was May 28 with frost in low lying areas. So far this spring we have had .35 inches of rain, it is powder dry here with 20 to 35 mph winds and temps in the 90’s, with a couple 102 degree days last week and nothing but 90’s in the long range forecast. Flowers that like it hot and fairly dry are drying up and everything is having the moisture sucked right out of it because the humidity is so low with the hot wind. The nurseries are out of flowers so you can’t replace the dying ones. I just make my rounds to be sure everything is getting watered in my clients yards altho that is really their responsibility, but most don’t understand how often you have to water pots and planters, even gardens in weather like this. Well, back to reading old emails and changing addresses.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      It’s been hot and humid the past few days. Hot enough that I worked half days because I was drained by noon. We had some thunder and downpours last night, hopefully, the heat will break.

      I hope you get rain soon. Water is a very limiting factor and it amazed me how quickly plants can dry out.

      I hope you got your email situation figured out. What a pain!