Onions Broccoli and Sugar Snap Peas in Square Foot Garden

Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli

My other Square Foot Garden bed is filling up fast. In this bed, I planted Sugar Snap Peas, Onion Sets, and Artwork Broccoli.

Artwork Broccoli

I stumbled onto Artwork Broccoli at Tractor Supply. Artwprl Broccoli has an upright habit and is quick to grow secondary heads once the main head is harvested. The heads of Artwork Broccoli aren’t as large as traditional Broccoli but there are more of them for a longer time.

Artwork Broccoli Habit with Tag

Artwork Broccoli has an extremely upright habit.

Artwork Broccoli Habit

After taking these pictures I cut off the broccoli heads and steamed them. Delicious!

Artwork Broccoli Head

If you look in the leaf axils you can see new broccoli heads forming. As soon as the main head is cut the secondary heads start growing.

Artwork Broccoli New Sprouts at Leaf Axils

Red Onion Sets

I’m also growing Red Onion Sets. I placed the sets in the soil in mid-April and after six weeks of growth, they have come a long way.

Red Onion Sets

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas finish out the bed. The Sugar Snap Peas have been growing fast but so far no signs of flowers.

Sugar Snap Peas

Thanks for joining me on a tour of my Square Foot Garden. I’m looking forward to sharing more updates throughout the year.


8 responses to “Square Foot Garden Update | Artwork Broccoli”

  1. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    We actually have Bonnie plants in Fargo, I love broccoli and am going to look for it tomorrow, still have an empty place on my patio for it. I eat it raw dipped in Ranch with added cayenne pepper, almost every day. You have the best looking raised, square foot gardening beds I have ever seen. Keep the updates coming.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I can’ figure out the business model for Bonnie Plants. They seem to be all over the country. Perhaps they license the name and supply the pots and seeds to local growers.

      I’m not a fan of raw broccoli but love dipping pizza in Ranch.

  2. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    I have seen Bonnie Plant trucks at the big box stores up here and their license plates are from a southern state.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      Do you think they really ship the plants that far? That seems crazy.

      1. Kay Kundert Avatar
        Kay Kundert

        John, I Googled Bonnie plants and for some reason their web site won’t come up, but from the little info on Google they have 70 growing sites across the country, but couldn’t find out where they are. I went to Home Depot to get the Stir Fry Broccoli but they didn’t have it.

        1. John Holden Avatar

          It’s impressive that they can run that big of an operation. I see Bonnie Plants at a lot of local stores, or at least it feels that way. They seem to be the big name nowadays. My Stir Fry plants secondary heads have grown a ton since I harvested the main stem last week. I figure another week or two I’ll have another harvest.

  3. Kay Kundert Avatar
    Kay Kundert

    I was sure disappointed that I didn’t find that broccoli plant and I don’t have time to go searching for more Bonnie plants. Hey, I just happened to think of another store in town that might carry them, will call them tomorrow. It’s an upper Midwest big box store called Menards.

    1. John Holden Avatar

      I hope you have luck. My Artwork Stir-Fry Broccoli is quickly growing secondary heads. 🙂